Royal Danish Academy Royal Danish Academy Password Portal

Password requirements

These are the password requirements at the Royal Danish Academy:

  • Must be at least 8 characters
  • Must include both UPPERCASE and lowercase letters (a to z)
  • Must include either numbers or symbols – eg. . - # !
  • Must not include parts of your name or username
  • You cannot reuse passwords
  • After changing your password, you will have to wait 24 hours before you can change it again


We use a system called Microsoft Password Protection. If you experience that a new password is rejected, that password was not considered secure or your password does not comply with the requirements above. You will have to come up with another password instead.

Some advice

If you have a hard time coming up with a password, you could try to combine words that you can remember. Just make sure to have at least one uppercase letter and one number or symbol.

Get a password manager app or use the built-in password functionality in the various browsers.

First-time password change

This is the user experience the first time you log in and must change your password. Continue…

If you are already using a Microsoft 365 account

If you are already using a Microsoft 365 account either privately, from another educational instition or from your workplace, you will not immediately be able to log on to the Royal Danish Academy. Find out how to add an extra Microsoft 365 account so you can switch between your accounts. Continue…

Enroll using a computer and a smartphone

How to activate your account using both a computer and a smartphone. Continue…

Enroll using only a smartphone

How to activate your account using only a smartphone. Continue…

Enroll using alternative methods

How to activate your account if you do NOT have a smartphone. Continue…

Authenticator: Enable phone sign-in

Once you have set up Authenticator, it is a good idea to enable phone sign-in. Then you have to write your password fewer times. Continue…